There is a limit to your life. Sorry for the somber chat. But until you come to grasps with will always be "TOO LATE" When you put off until.... ....the time is right. ....the weather is better. ....the circumstances feel right ....there is 'extra' money in the bank. ....then you will always be missing "NOW" If you aren't taking action toward what you want.... ....then you must be taking no action toward what you want. When that happens your goals, dreams and … [Read more...]
Small Minds Equal Small Impact.
The dreams you have are made specifically for you.....otherwise you wouldn't have them. They are messages from above...on what you are to do within your life. These dreams are yours to conquer. These dreams are yours to achieve. These dreams are yours to master. But then something happens...... ......we get older. And our dreams seem to become fairytales, wishes and hallucinations that we continue to tell ourselves. We tell our kids to 'Dream Big'. We tell our kids 'You can have … [Read more...]
Quit or Qualify?
Will you stop when the wind hits you? I remember running track in high school on a windy day and feeling fierce and fast....UNTIL......... I rounded the corner and hit the wall of wind that crushed into my face. It stopped all momentum. All the speed. Completely crushed my lungs. I wanted to quit. In our life at some point we all meet a 'wall of wind' that stalls our momentum and diminishes our impact...... The 'Wall of wind can be called many things: It can be a loss of a loved … [Read more...]
Do or Do Not….
I tried exercise but the scales never showed how hard I worked. I tried eating healthy but I didn't lose any weight. I tried chiropractic but it didn't work for me. I tried talking to them, but they didn't want to hear what I had to say. When we 'try' something---we aren't 'ALL IN' There is room for hesitation. There is room for pull-back. There is room for quitting. When we DO---it shows commitment. When we DO it demonstrates conviction. When we DO, we get results DO … [Read more...]
What is Left to Learn?
What lessons do you have yet to learn? Imagine walking up to the bridge that is pictured above. You can't see the other side, yet have been told for years that the best fruit and views reside on just on the other side of the bridge. You look at the bridge and note the age of the wooden boards that make up the walking path and the shredded rope that holds the boards together. Each step is a step of faith. Each step is symbolic to a lesson that you must learn over your life. You may … [Read more...]
Invest in You.
We invest in our kids We invest with our finances. We invest in our time. When was the last time you invested in yourself? When was the last time you selected to take additional training in something that interested you? When was the last time you invested time into developing a healthier lifestyle? When was the last time you invested energy into discovering your passions to a greater level? If you aren't investing in yourself and your dreams.... then naturally you are … [Read more...]
Be You.
Sameness. Similar. Duplicate. Clone. A Copy. Equivalent. Where do similar beings end up? One would think it would be they would end at the same place.... However, we all have different gifts and different talents so we naturally will get different results. Sure, in the short time if we mimic someone, we will get common results, however over the long haul we will realize that "it's not us." The message today is short but hopefully will help you declare your independence from … [Read more...]
Suck it up Buttercup.
It's probably going to hurt. Suck it up. You probably aren't going to like how you feel during or afterwards. Suck it up. You will be uncomfortable. Suck it up. The above sayings can be used from anything ranging from fitness and health to anything in life. When the chips get tough.....will you quit? Or will you suck it up? When they are saying that you are crazy for trying something new....will you listen? Or will you suck it up? When your bank account gets small yet your … [Read more...]
You Receive Nothing.
You want it? Go get it. You desire it? Go get it. You want a ripped body? It will come at a price. You want a hefty bank account? You will have to create enough value. You want a strong, fulfilling relationship? You will have to be vulnerable and communicate your thoughts. You want. want. want. It all comes at a price. Whether the cost is your time, energy or resources. In one way or another you will have to give in order to get. You are owed nothing. You receive in … [Read more...]
Stay Close to the Heat or You will Suffer Solo.
When you begin to stray and disengage from your family, your friends, your team and your church....your life begins to suffer. No one was designed to do it all their own. When you try and succeed solo, you end up suffering solo. … [Read more...]