You want it?
Go get it.
You desire it?
Go get it.
You want a ripped body?
It will come at a price.
You want a hefty bank account?
You will have to create enough value.
You want a strong, fulfilling relationship?
You will have to be vulnerable and communicate your thoughts.
You want. want. want.
It all comes at a price.
Whether the cost is your time, energy or resources.
In one way or another you will have to give in order to get.
You are owed nothing.
You receive in direct proportion to your level of service to the world.
Stop waiting for a large amount of success to show up on your doorstep.
BE-come the person that attracts success to you.
The key word there is BE-COME that person.
Develop your skills, work to a high standard, elevate your beliefs.
There is no Santa Claus, Easter Bunny or Toothfairy that are magically going to deliver what you want. You are going to have to do the work.
Get busy!
Your Biggest Fan-
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