Comfort–the silent killer.
It kills dreams.
It kills goals.
It kills ambition.
It kills your ability for prosperity.
It shrivels your belief of abundance.
If you want to live a life of experiences…
get uncomfortable.
If you want live a life full of no regrets…
get uncomfortable.
If you want see what you are truly capable of…
get uncomfortable.
When you see that the level of your success is determined
not by how much you know,
not by how much you make,
not by how many ideas you have.
But rather by often you are willing to navigate into unchartered territory,
and how quickly you are to leave the shore of safety.
That is when your true potential is unveiled.
It isn’t sitting on the couch eating ice cream.
It isn’t hanging out with the same crowd.
It isn’t doing something the same way for years because “That’s how it’s always been done.”
You have a choice…..
live as though your life matters….
or watch others make their life matter.
Your Biggest Fan-
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