It’s easy to ‘want’ something.
We ‘want’ to win the lottery.
We ‘want’ to be fit.
We ‘want’ to be in loving relationships.
We ‘want’ everything.
But when was the last time you decided to DO something about that ‘want’.
When was the last time you decided to lift your foot….and go to the gym—-CONSISTENTLY?
When was the last time you decided to lift your foot….and take a % of your paycheck and put it into a Wealth Account—-CONSISTENTLY?
When was the last time you decided to lift your foot and scheduled a date night with your spouse, kids, significant other—-CONSISTENTLY?
To each and everything you sow… shall you reap…….there is a time for everything…there is a planting season…..a growth season and a harvest season.
Many of us don’t even plant.
We expect to have an amazing crop yet don’t plant anything.
KNOW what you want to grow…..and begin ‘Lifting your foot’ and taking action toward that which you desire.
Your Biggest Fan-
Dr. Dustin
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