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You Define You
Rule 1 in anything: GET EXCITED!! Light a match under your "a**" and show some emotion! When you "Catch on fire"....people will be drawn toward your heat. That is all. YOU DEFINE YOU. … [Read more...]
What will I get? How will this situation serve ME? What's the return for ME? Forget YOU for a moment and think of what are you creating, offering, developing or giving to others that may enhance their life? This photo says it all. Your life is abundant. Your world is blessed. Be grateful for that. YET....don't stop there. What can YOU DO for someone else today that would..... ....make them smile. ....enrich their day. ....add value to their life. build … [Read more...]
We may not get to choose our current situation. We may not necessarily elect our life as it as. BUT, you must play it as it lays. You can't wake up tomorrow and expect to see a new house, new car and a bank account full of funds. have to accept it as it is NOW.....and move forward. You have to be real and true with yourself. There is no lying. There is not falseness. There is only TRUTH. Where are you NOW....and start there. … [Read more...]
YES YOU CAN! But do you believe it? Do you truly understand the power of your thoughts? When you want something bad enough you will achieve it. When you desire change greater than the discomfort that may come from the will change. When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and truly C O M M I T to daily action steps toward the achievement of your will succeed. But it all comes about from one thing.....a decision. A decision of … [Read more...]
You have a past. I have a past. We all live a past. The question to think about is you base your current decisions based solely on your past OR did you learn from your past and select a new outcome? Results are what matter. Enjoy this episode as I share more life lessons based upon golfing....enjoy. … [Read more...]
Lessons. We are always learning lessons. During this brief discussion, I talk about a recent golfing trip with my dad and a couple of the lessons that we learned from the day. … [Read more...]
Dreams are nice.... It's a figment of our imagination..... It's a desire that we have yet to accomplish. In essence its: Salt without the pepper. Wind without the wings. The Rolling without the Stones. It is incomplete. Unaccomplished. Lacking. Deficient. is a dream. Dreams don't complete your vision. Dreams don't attract love into your life. Dreams don't fill your bank account. Dreams don't snap the flab off of your waistline. Dreams don't raise healthy independent … [Read more...]
We live and die by our actions. Your life is moving in the direction of your vision and the voices in your head. So the question must be: How clear is your vision? What are the voices in your head saying? If your life doesn't seem to be moving anywhere....the first place to look would be your vision. In this episode we also discuss the acronym D.I.E. which stands for: Disengage from the outcome. Invest in You. Exceed Expectations … [Read more...]
Ideas..... They are a dime a dozen. We have ideas of what we want our future to look like.... We have ideas of what we desire our bodies to appear as..... We have ideas of a number that we would like to see in our check book.... Ideas..... They are a waste of time..... UNLESS implementation occurs toward the creation of that idea. What steps are you doing TODAY to bring an idea to fruition? What actions are you doing TODAY to develop your idea? If today were your last … [Read more...]