Do you have what you need? What resources may you need to acquire to obtain wha you want. … [Read more...]
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You Define You
Do you have what you need? What resources may you need to acquire to obtain wha you want. … [Read more...]
Is it your turn to step up? Are you next? YOU DEFINE YOU. … [Read more...]
Stepping in dog poop brought the all to familiar reminder.........did you prepare? Did you do the work? YOU DEFINE YOU. … [Read more...]
There are signs all around you see them? Are you even aware of the signs? If is the day. YOU DEFINE YOU. … [Read more...]
Growth and Comfort....there IS a difference. The decision that you make involving these issues will dictate your personal level of success. YOU DEFINE YOU. … [Read more...]
Fear? What is it? We discuss this and my thoughts on the matter.....enjoy. YOU DEFINE YOU. … [Read more...]
Channeling a little Eminem in this podcast.....hope you enjoy:) YOU DEFINE YOU. … [Read more...]
Stop analyzing.....and start to take action! YOU DEFINE YOU. … [Read more...]
You may be stuck without even realizing it! The power of your life is based on the power of the expansion that you allow in your life. If you are stuck....nothing changes and everything becomes very boring. YOU DEFINE YOU. … [Read more...]
'How can I possibly do that?' 'How do they find the time?' 'How do I even start?' Words have meanings..... Change the word.....change the meaning. 'WHY would I do that?' 'WHY do they find the time for that?' 'WHY do I even start?' When the WHY is big enough....the HOW will find a way. … [Read more...]