There is one way to quickly elevate your life and it's this: RAISE YOUR STANDARDS. If you typically do 20 pushups in a workout....up it to 30. If you typically make 3 cold calls per day for your business......make 8. If you normally read 1 book per 3. Do more than you are accustomed to doing and you will begin attracting more of what you are wanting. Easy fix...RAISE YOUR STANDARDS! Your Biggest Fan- Dusty … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2016
Keep Watering Your Plants
When you get discouraged...remember the story of the bamboo. Keep pushing. Keep driving and don't quit. … [Read more...]
Don’t wait….
We think that we have all the time in the world. We are invincible. We will "get to" living our life after the kids are in college, we retire, we have more time. Yet there are no promises in life. You have one shot at this life. You may as well enjoy the ride. I see far too many clients who work hard their entire life with hopes of "living" when they finally retire. Essentially it's like the saying goes "In our youth--we spend our health to obtain our wealth...and when we … [Read more...]
Get off of the sidelines of your life.
It's easy to watch others succeed. It's easy to observe people getting fit. It's easy to examine how people have such healthy relationships. The biggest difference for some is that they aren't afraid to 'get in the game of life'. They know they will make mistakes. The understand that they may get hurt. But without taking a risk...... they continue being a bystander in their life. Get active. Take a chance. Take a risk. Have faith in yourself and JUST DO IT! Your … [Read more...]
Live today like it were your last.
We want. We desire. We say that "when we get more money, more time, more freedom"..... THEN we will do what we want to do and be happy. If you aren't doing something EVERY DAY that in some part revolves around your dream....then you are wasting time. The only thing that is guaranteed is NOW. In your life....determine how would you act if you had more money---hopefully it isn't much different than how you currently act. In your life....determine how you would act if you had more … [Read more...]
Seize, Activate and Move to an Inspired Life.
What happens when we don't know where to turn, we don't know what to do? Remember the acronym SAM to push you to a greater life. … [Read more...]
Pave the Way.
You say that you want to start something... have a vision of launching a product, brand or service... ...but you are afraid. You say that you want to start a fitness program... have a vision of health, longevity and leadership... ...but you are afraid. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Stop merely talking about something and DO something. Take action. In case you've missed out on the previous 50+blogs....they all reside on a common theme-- You don't like … [Read more...]
The Time is Now.
There is a limit to your life. Sorry for the somber chat. But until you come to grasps with will always be "TOO LATE" When you put off until.... ....the time is right. ....the weather is better. ....the circumstances feel right ....there is 'extra' money in the bank. ....then you will always be missing "NOW" If you aren't taking action toward what you want.... ....then you must be taking no action toward what you want. When that happens your goals, dreams and … [Read more...]
Small Minds Equal Small Impact.
The dreams you have are made specifically for you.....otherwise you wouldn't have them. They are messages from above...on what you are to do within your life. These dreams are yours to conquer. These dreams are yours to achieve. These dreams are yours to master. But then something happens...... ......we get older. And our dreams seem to become fairytales, wishes and hallucinations that we continue to tell ourselves. We tell our kids to 'Dream Big'. We tell our kids 'You can have … [Read more...]
Quit or Qualify?
Will you stop when the wind hits you? I remember running track in high school on a windy day and feeling fierce and fast....UNTIL......... I rounded the corner and hit the wall of wind that crushed into my face. It stopped all momentum. All the speed. Completely crushed my lungs. I wanted to quit. In our life at some point we all meet a 'wall of wind' that stalls our momentum and diminishes our impact...... The 'Wall of wind can be called many things: It can be a loss of a loved … [Read more...]